Data Analytics

Bring your data to life with advanced analytics and related services.

Leveraging Data

Thrive Analytics has built its reputation as one of the leading data-driven knowledge and insights companies. Our expertise lies in understanding the behavior and uncovering the intentions of people by using data. We offer a range of services to companies including loyalty analytics, campaign analytics, customer lifetime value analysis, customer prioritization, social media analytics, and more.

The knowledge and insights we glean from data are presented in easy-to-understand dashboards and presentations helping agencies, brands and publishers take advantage of the knowledge.

Harness your data to identify new opportunities, make more intelligent business moves, have more efficient operations, deliver higher profits and happier customers.

Predictive Analytics

Predicts outcomes and forecasts behavior with data modeling or algorithms to reveal which factors influence a particular outcome.

Customer Prioritization

Separates existing and potential customers into meaningful groups based on behavioral, attitudinal, demographic, and psychographic data.

Regression Analysis

Determines which factors or variables drive the strongest impact on the outcome.

reporting & Dashboards

Visual displays of data allow you to focus on the critical few behavior-based metrics that truly drive business results. 

Data Services

Access to real-time insights from our proprietary research programs. They provide 1,000s of data points on a variety of topics.

Tap into the benefits of a data-based project.

Optimize your plans

Align your services with unmet market needs and forecast sales based on data trends and projections.

Target the right customers

Identify the groups that are most likely to generate a positive ROI.

Anticipate changes

Identify and understand future outcomes and target accordingly based on key attributes or behaviors.

Deliver higher profits

Utilize data driven insights to deliver higher returns.

We employ a frictionless process.

Key components of a basic project.

Kickoff Meeting

Thrive Analytics will conduct a kickoff meeting with the client to understand the goals of the project and create a detailed project plan. 

Data Collection

We will collect, clean, enhance and house the data from the client in a secure database for the analysis. We will conduct a thorough review prior to the analysis to ensure an accurate result.

Data Analysis

We will conduct descriptive and/or predictive analyses depending on the agreed upon project approach.

Reporting & Presentation

We will create a detailed report for the client that addresses all the objectives of the project. We will present the results and recommendations to key stakeholders. We will answer any questions that may arise, and determine any relevant follow up work needed.

Connect with us to learn more

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