Syndicated Research

Custom programs designed to provide data-driven insights.

Program details

Our syndicated research programs are designed to provide clients with actionable insights to improve their sales, refine their approach to the marketplace, adjust product or service offerings or help their salesforce better understand the dynamics of different business segments.

Results are available to our advisory service members through the Insights Datahub™

We do offer subscriptions to the cross-tabbed results through our data services.

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This program provides a comprehensive view of how SMBs are marketing their businesses, the technology they use, what they want from marketing service providers. It explores the trends that are influencing their decisions as business owners.


This program monitors the path-to-purchase for consumers. It provides a comprehensive view of how consumers are searching for local products and the technology, media, and other factors that consumers use or are influenced by during the shopping process.


This program tracks the usage of Virtual & Augmented Reality technology. It provides a comprehensive view of how consumers adopt the technology, their satisfaction levels, pricing expectations, applications, and user profiles.


This program monitors the adoption of voice-based technology. It tracks the most common devices such as Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, Amazon’s Alexa, and many others. It provides a comprehensive view of how people are using the devices, satisfaction levels, and expectations.

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